Studio in the Park
The main facility for the Art Guild of Louisiana is the Studio in the Park. This BREC building is located in Cedarcrest Park in Baton Rouge.
More InfoWorkshop Coordinator
Kay Bailey, baileykay7850@gmail.com, 225-933-6008
Let’s make some fun art that can be used to create your own personal Christmas cards. We will create a fun little gnome and a lovely Christmas tree using simple tangles. We will discuss ways to add color and reproduce your masterpiece to print your own cards. We will focus on the line art in class and add color as time permits. Paper will be provided.
Black Sakura Micron Pen – PN pen nib preferred or 05 or any similar pen with WATERPROOF ink. Waterproof ink is important if you want to add a water-based color medium to your card to prevent smearing the ink line art.
Optional: any type of coloring media. Ex: colored pencils, watercolor pencils, etc.
NOTE: you may also use colored Micron Pens, same nib sizes recommended. The sample Christmas tree was done with a black Micron Pen, colored pencils and watercolor. (Note: The red for the gnome hat in the photos was done with a red Micron Pen.)