The gallery below showcases artwork created by Art Guild of Louisiana member Calvin Balencie. Click any thumbnail to view a larger image.
Your donation in support of our mission is greatly appreciated.
Member benefits include discounted workshops, exhibit opportunities, open studio time, free in-house library, free website gallery, etc.
Life Drawing
The Art Guild hosts Life Drawing sessions every Wednesday night from 6-9pm at the Studio in the Park
$15 / session
Open Studio - No Instruction
Contact Steve Shamburger at
Next Workshop
Larry Downs - Drawing from the Start - Beginning Drawing
March 6 - March 27 , Thursdays , 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Early Bird (through February 22) – $60 AGL members / $75 nonmembers
Regular – $75 AGL members / $90 nonmembers
Workshop Coordinator: Karri Oakes, or 225-405-3988
More Info